Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1 3 8 5 updates!

I put in a hard day's work today and I'm still not done! 12 new things for the 'ol etsy shop!! Everything you see below should be going up tomorrow morning sometime between the early hours of 7-9 AM EDT (hopefully!!!) ... There's also another exciting thing making its way onto the internet tomorrow ... somethin' involving me and Ms. Forest Bound ... Anyway - enough chirpin' about vague things - I have more work to do and it's so past my bed time it's not even funny!

New Stuff for 1 3 8 5

The ones that didn't get away!

I've been pretty good about separation anxiety when it comes to etsy sales. Sure, sure - there's been plenty of items I was sad to see go - but for whatever reason, it was good they found a new home. I'm not perfect though, and there's certainly been a few things I snatched back for myself. I'm actually proud of myself because I can count them on one hand!

The first thing - was this beautiful striped tote bag I found at a flea market for a whopping $1 !!! I felt like it was one of those Reference Library items you see and swoon over (maybe I'm blowin' a little too much smoke though) Anyway - this was back in my ebay days and I don't think anyone bid on it within the first two days, so mine it was!!

The next thing - a 50's koi fish skirt that matches a darling little romper I bought in LA at Flounce Vintage. I was going to sell them both - but then decided on keeping the romper, and then with a little help from a dear girl out in Western MA - decided to keep the skirt too! Good thing! (and thank you again Alison for all your advice!)

And my recent almost-mistake of the summer ... what might be the most sweet thing in all of existence ... a pretty little feed sack dress hand stitched by a lovely little 10 year old girl from Gully Minnesota. She even entered into her very first sewing contest! The contest information is basted at the back and I have to say, she did some impressive work!

1 3 8 5

The only problem is that it's very snug around my arms ... it's not going to rip, but there's no extra space either ... I've been wearing it around anyway - to dinner with some dear friends and then for Saturday morning coffee with Alice! Here it is in action! And I don't have a single regret about keeping it either!

Saturday mornings

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Spaces I daydream about

Three summers ago my dad and grandma were trying to clean out my great grandmother's house. No, not to sell - but to rent to new tenants. I spent an afternoon wandering around scrounging up little bits and pieces to take away from the house before the new folks moved in. I think about that day a lot, and daydream about moving in, a lot - it probably finds its way into my head at least once a day ....

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If I lived here I think I'd quit my job, forget California and do 1385 full time. The second floor has two bedrooms, one small enough to hold all my findings, the other would be perfect for a sewing room. And in between those two bedrooms is this beautiful floor ... I think I'd stack hat boxes and old time worn suitcases with a few stuffings for good measure. Or maybe I'd make it a sitting room of sorts.... so many possibilities!


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This is the bathroom and the pantry - the light is so pretty and the I love the tiles and the lovely little cubby cabinets. Maybe I'd replace that old crumbly bathtub with a claw foot tub, I think that'd be one nice upgrade.

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I think what brought this blog post on was that I was looking through some wallpaper designs and I thought about this wallpaper. I don't know if the new renters painted over anything. I cringe at the thought of it so I try to not to think about it.


It's perfect though. Prints done in a nice subtle way are always my favorite, and this one takes the cake.

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Last but not least, tin ceilings.....hellooo dream world...


I'm so mad at myself that I didn't get better pictures. I think my excuse was that my batteries died, or something lame like that... isn't that always the case? Fortunately though - there is another family owned space that I can't wait to take pictures in. I took some photos of it a while back and have been trying to decide if I should share them before Jeff and I go ... but I think I'll wait!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Today's Inspiration: Les étoiles et les curiosités du ciel

I had a blog post in mind involving horses - but then this French Astronomy book showed up and the horses are now on the back burner (in time sweet creatures, in time).

With all this wetness and grey clouds I'm really missing those warm nights where you take the long way home. Even though the city light pollution/smog usually clouds up the sky making it impossible to see anything above - it's a nice little surprise when you get far enough away to look up and connect all the little tiny twinkling dots.

So, in the rainy mean time - we make do. Thank you Les étoiles et les curiosités du ciel for all your pretty distractions....

Les Etoiles et Les Curiosites Du Ciel

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Deuxieme Partie

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Le dernier dessin de Granville

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Le Lion

Le Lion

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Ursa Major

Ursa Major

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Le Cancer - Le Lion
Le Cancer - Le Lion

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Constellations Australes

Constellations Australes

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La Constellation du Grand Chen

La Constellation du Grand Chen

Friday, June 19, 2009


I try to block out as much as I can about my junior high memories. I'll skip the particulars because I'm sure we've all had similar experiences... But, there is one thing I remember about my 8th grade biology class that's always haunted me. I don't even remember my teacher's name (which worries me as my memory is slowly starting to slip at the old age of 22...) But he told us about one summer in New England where it rained every. single. day. He said there was not one day of sunshine the entire summer vacation and that thought has always made me so sad. Summers here are usually a mix of heat waves and afternoon thunder storms but I'm starting to think that wives tale is about to come true this summer.

For real Mama Nature, what's going on here? I'm about to build a boat and float off to sunnier places if this keeps up!

Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos that my dear ol pal Jeff took in March (or at least I think it was March). I think I was feeling particularly inspired by this lovely lady and this is what turned up!

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Black and Tan Fantasy

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Black and Tan Fantasy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mass Market is today!

OKay, first and most important. TODAY: New England folks ... MASS MARKET!

Yes, it's that time of year for records, hand-mades and old wares (mine specifically!) Here's all the info you need to get yourself there! So put on your slickers and brave the rain drops and come buy my junk!!

Sunday JUNE 14th, 2009
11am - 6pm
Massachusetts College of Art, Pozen Center
621 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA
All Ages $1.00 Admission Fee

I'm not going to be taking anything too nice with me, and I think I'll be doing $5 for each item or 5 for $20! I also have a lot of antique and vintage stuff to part with too ... so please do come!

Perfect lil dress

That being said, I may/may not be wearing that dress today. It's a lil 40's number I found on the internet and it fits so perfectly it makes me want to cry tears of happiness!! Creamy cotton pintucks, gingham and pockets!!!! there's two adorable little buttons in the back too ... gosh, Imma stop gushing and get my last minute things together for today.

But, stop by! Or tell your pals to stop by! And have them bring their pals too!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What genus are you?

I've been asking this question quit a bit lately - and I think I've figured out my answer!

We were sent 12 issues of Meehan's Monthly, a magazine of horticulture, botany and kindred subjects. (No joke, that's the title!) And as I was plucking images I realized how the pink/green combo was quickly racking up the most photos (BUT the ferns and yellow flowers were a close second/third) I think I can blame this obsession on on my mother and her pink milk glass and china collection, which (sorry Lauren) I've laid my claim on.

I think after flipping through those books I even made a few too many purchases with the flowers in mind, but I think my mum would be proud! (she's always telling me I dress in "drabby New England" colors, which is more or less true)

The top right dress I purchased from Bobby From Boston - a late 30's number with a tie waist, and pockets and the most perfect subtle details all over the place. It's a dream dress, it really is. It's a wheency bit too big, but no biggie. (har, har)

The one next to that is a little funny slip dress I found on etsy recently. It's pretty genius actually - the blouse is connected to the skirt so you never have to worry about your slip falling down! I kiiiind of want to wear it as a dress, but I'm not entirely sure I can get away with it!

The bottom left I found at a flea market. One thing I'm a sucker for is pockets, especially big floppy pockets with buttons on them.. Enough said.

The bottom right is a little gem that came in the mail today, again from Stellate Vintage on etsy. A good shop that gal has on her hands, one of my favorites even! It's also like a potato sack on me, but I'll make do!

And without further ado, we have the flowers that have enabled my sick obsession for the pale creamy dusty pink color palate.

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Prairie Rose

Prairie Rose

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Violet Wood-Sorrel

Violet Wood-Sorrel

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Queen of the prairie

Queen of the prairie

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Wood Honeysuckle

Wood Honeysuckle

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Spotted Phlox

Spotted Phlox

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Showy Erigeron

Showy Erigeron

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Three-Mallow Anoda

Three-Mallow Anoda

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Philadelphia Fleabane

Philadelphia Fleabane

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Hookers Many Feather

Hookers Many-Feather

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Mint-Scented Bergamot

Mint-Scented Bergamot

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Common American Passion Flower

Common American Passion Flower

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Hairy Oxybaph

Hairy Oxybaph

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Purple Aster

Purple Aster

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