Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holy Land and Thirteen Eighty-Five

Holy Land - Autumn 2008

Holy Land - Autumn 2008

Holy Land - Autumn 2008

Holy Land - Autumn 2008

Holy Land - Autumn 2008

The website is finished (although it needs a few minor changes here and there) but I can finally post the photos we've been working on!! This is just a few pictures, to see the entire thing - go to the website!!

If you're wondering the location on this, some of the photos were shot at Holy Land, an abandoned religious theme park in Waterbury, CT. The rest were shot at the bear cages in Franklin Park. I wanted to capture that carefree, late afternoon, Indian Summer feeling with this collection, and I thought these strange abandoned parks would be the perfect place! The dresses have that warm autumn feel to them, and are perfect as they are or underneath scarves and little jackets.

So, from here on out Thirteen Eighty-Five will be hawkin' it's wares through different themed collections. One of my best buds in the entire world, Jeff Allen will be taking the fancy editorial style photos for us and everything you'll see in the photos will be for sale!!!

I wanted to start doing it like this for a few reasons - it's easier for me to have a theme in mind so I don't go crazy when I'm out shopping for the store. Unfortunately, I can't sell clothing full time - so I do this when I have a free afternoon (or when I start running out of room in my house!) Selling clothing in separate collections makes it easier for me to prepare little by little for it, rather than everything all at once! And also, I just have a hard time letting go of some things!!! Taking pretty photos of the dresses with Jeff is going to be a really good way to help me let go of those pack rat tendencies. It's hard for me to find a dress I think is really wonderful and not want to do more with it before I send it on it's way to another home. So, it'll be fun scheming up locations and ideas for new shoots. I already have the next two ideas pretty well thought out, and I'm excited to see how they'll turn out! It's going to be fun to play dress up but not feel too guilty for keeping all the clothing!!!

PS The ebay listings aren't up yet. They're in the works though. And I'll be sure to let everyone know when they're ready!

PPS I know this is totally hypocritical of everything I just mentioned, but I might be doing a one week long etsy market sale from the Baked Fresh leftovers. I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep everyone posted on that too!


Anastasia said...

argh!! congrats in finishing the project!! it looks amazing!
I already see at least 2 things your website i want already. when are they on sale?

alice said...

Oh those photos are beautiful

Lily said...

enchanting photographs! Can't wait for the listings :)

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Effie! These are gorgeous photos. It's a fantastic idea and I'm sure it's going to go over like gangbusters. Let's just hope I don't go broke buying up everything in site since every thing is so lovely. :)

Mon Café Couture said...

Hello, I just discovered your blog and my gosh I just love your esthetic, your pictures are the best I've seen on clothing blogs. Will come check your posts from now on.

Erica Kelly said...

everything about your collection whispers "gorgeous". keep it up, your photographs are inspiring.

Suzy said...

you are the luckiest girl in the world! and it's not even your wedding day! i totally want to see a bigger photo of that striped dress hanging in between the two paisley print ones..

Myy said...

Those pics are simply stunning! Well done!

Jessica said...

the photographs are gorgeous! what a wonderful idea, and so inspiring as well

april said...

EFFIE!!!!! This is fantastic! I knew it would be. Congratulations! This is it kiddo, you're on your way to the big time!

Oh and Holy Hotness! You look smoldering in the shot where you're sitting in the O!

Casey Maura said...

These photos are just breathtakingly gorgeous!!!! I love the idea of themed collections as well, so clever! :)

So exciting!!!!! Can't wait until the Ebay auctions are up... ;)

Amelia said...

Gorgeous pictures, seriously. They really do look like an editorial.

Anonymous said...

this looks amazing, such gorgeous photos and darling dresses

Myy said...

I must repeat how much I love these photos. Anyways, I have awarded you on my blog if you would like to see.
xoxo, Saorise

Unknown said...

Ahhh! Its better than what I thought it would be! I will absolutely bid on some of those dresses. :) When are the dress coming on sale? Its beautiful! Well done Jeff! I love your photographs! For some reason, the last one of the photographs you posted is my favorite!


P.S. Also, when are you going to being selling the baked fresh leftovers?

Lydia said...

These pictures are so unbelievely amazing! I love the lighting, mid to late afternoon sun is so so so pretty.

I think this is an excellent idea!

loveology said...

So gorgeous! I have no further words....just amazing...



Anja Verdugo said...

These look so great! I totally understand all of what you've said about selling through collections like that, I really enjoyed doing my vintage fall photoshoot (although yours looks so much more professional!) too. I look forward to seeing more of these from you, so fun!

Closet Shots said...

it looks amazing my darling :)

Jessica said...

again, killin' me! big squeals from over here, i'm lovin' the theme and especially 'effie takes the stairs' and 'dresses on the gate'.

keep'em comin' miss Z.


Great blog name :)
and I love the photos, too.

xo/ fashion chalet

Unknown said...

What a cool location for a photoshoot! Woow checked out the website how fantastic, i want everything!!!

Anna M. said...

Awesome! My friends and I love exploring Holy Land, USA. :D

Wild Keiki said...

Beautiful photos, darling.
The last one is so so amazing!

Hope you had a great weekend,

Rebecca Jane said...

oh my goodness those pictures are unbelievably lovely.

that'd be dope said...

hi i dont comment here often, but i just wanted to say congratulations on the site launch the concept is really cool and the photos are beautiful. Its nice to see online vintage finally being done differently!


jeff allen said...

The site looks great and am excited for the next one. Maybe I'll just quit school and you, Paul, and I will be full time!

lisa lindøe said...

these photos are gorgeous and what a lovely site. congrats!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

these are SUCH gorgeous photos.

Rhiannon said...

Those are so, so pretty!!! I love the idea of it and how your store is so completely true to your own aesthetic. :)

porter hovey said...

Wow!! Just wonderful!!!

Louise said...

Effie, these images just look absolutely gorgeous, and your world look so magical. I want to run away and be in these photos, and have free afternoons so browse thrift stores and evenings to take gorgeous photos (and firends who are amazing and willing photographers!). Looks like a wonderful project!!!

esme and the laneway said...

Oh wow, what beautiful photographs! And it works, too – I just want to uy the dresses!

Meggy said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Effie, just like I knew it would be! I can't wait to bid -- I already am crossing my fingers and hoping the dresses I want would fit me!

Tara Diane said...

Those pictures are wonderful!! I love the second to last one posted on here. The website looks great, can't wait to see more!

K. said...

These are fantastic. I can't wait to see what else you'll cook up. How did you decide to use Holy Land...or even know that it was there?

What we four say said...

I love your idea! You are adorable and the photos are quite stunning! Congrats and good luck!

Chantelle said...

wow...those are very beautiful shots
congrats on the website

Anonymous said...

wow the shots are amazing and I love the idea of themed collections. congratulations on the change and all your hard work.

{Tara} said...

Your photos just get more and more amazing. Such beautiful lighting.

LF said...

The pictures are very lovely, I wish there were some abandoned theme parks around these parts...Holy Land looks like it rocked!! Glad that your project is up and running.

Liz said...

i dont know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but your new photos and the debut of your website has been mentioned on the urban outfitters blog!

congrats! the photos are beautiful.

Meaghan Kelly said...

this idea is wonderful and all the photos you've posted so far are perfection!
I can't wait to hear and see more! By the way, congratulations on the Urban Outfitters mention!

muchlove said...

absolutely amazing photos! I'm glad I found your site.

erin said...

the pictures are amazing and you look lovely in all of them.

Rosa said...

Oh beautfiul as always! Your blog is perfect! :-)

Emma said...

I just love you blog and these photos are so great, my favorite is of you running down the steps: so carefree and child like :)

Penny said...

oh my goodness that photography is amazing!! have you done modelling before? you are a natural! love love love it all! xxx

Jessica Sutton said...

wow these are absolutely beautiful!

Alice said...

Hi! I've just find your blog and I love it! The taste of your photos is warm, the outfits... lovely! I like even the color of your hair...

I like what you did in the bedroon, very romantic, the perfect preraphaelit bed!

xoxo from Madrid

Employed said...

Snail! I am happy to see the pictures up, now I can see them whenever. They truly are beautiful. :)

I wish you the best and can't wait to see you again.

nv said...

these photos are so lovely and dreamy

When the Robins Came... said...

..nice photos!

Gracie said...

Oh, I'd love to sell vintage as a project like yours! I was wondering if you have any tips on doing this, it would be a great help!
Thank you so much! --<-@

Mimi said...

So beautiful pictures.Love the dressing.

Julie said...

absolutely phenomenal.
i love this blog.

kimvee said...

I like your blog and your style. I'm going to add you to my favorite blog list. :)

bellefantaisie said...

the photos are very mysterious. i love them!

Morbeline said...

Really lovely photos, I must say I am a bit jealous of that lovely dress you wear in them :)

Merily said...

Gorgeous gorgeous photos!

One Hot Crumpet said...

Aaaaaaaaaaawwwww really really lovely! x

Meaghan Kelly said...

I just wanted to let you know I posted about you a little today, I hope you don't mind, and if you want to check it out feel free!

Miss Urbanita said...

Fantastic pics!

Chelsea said...

These are so amazing!!

Corinna Jasmine said...

Love the photos and the clothes. Can't wait to see what you put up on ebay!

SWANclothing said...

i love it! and i love your style :)

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