The Southern NH thrift store was a BUST. Seven stores, and I bought ... hangers. I'm not joking. Luckily, we went to the Antique Gallery in Concord, NH where I made some very good purchases..
I first saw this lovely vintage 30's cashmere/fur cardigan tucked away in a corner.

As I was standing at the register to pay, I realized that the cardigan was hanging on the most perfect thing in the entire store..

I couldn't leave this behind, and eventually it will be a headboard... for now - I plan on using it for the flea market this weekend and for photographing clothing to sell. It's so perfect for the color scheme of my new room (yes, major changes to come!) and there are the loveliest details when you look close at the fabric and woodwork!
I've been a lazy rat about photographing things - but two weekends ago I realized that Boston has Goodwill bins, and boyyy, did I make out like a little bandit.
I found soo much! The shoes were my favorite part, however after searching for way tooo long for one missing shoe to what could have been a beautiful pair, I got frustrated and had to leave. I'd say that's the only downfall to the marvelous, marvelous bins... the fact that shoes get separated from each other so easily.. oh, and also the grime factor... but, it's worth it.
stacked heel perfection..size 8, just a bit too small - ebay at some point

Vintage suede Salvatore Ferragamo! I put them on my feet and it felt like clouds. I'm keeping them for now, they're just too comfortable!

Vintage Carel Paris ... these feel like they're insanely old! I'm not sure which era they're from, any ideas?

This lovely little suede number will be for sale at the flea market:

As well as this great weekender bag - no weird ickly inside odor, which is a rarity with thrift store bags!

......... A few hours at the Goodwill bins turned out more things then 7 thrift stores. Yikes.
oh, and also ... my shorts came!