Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mass Market preparation

Mass Market is on SUNDAY! So, all of my free time has been spent getting things in order.

I bought some ugly glossy white tags at the store, and had to take things into my own hands. This was my little tea-stain process in each little phase of the game!

I'm a bit stressed out because I don't think I have enough clothing, but I think Alice is having similar feelings with all of her hand-mades.

AH! I need to get off the internet, and start working on things!
More to come!

Monday, April 28, 2008


I swear, it's so easy for me to turn into a slug, and I by this I mean .. I end up with absolutely no motivation for anything. But, the ever so lovely Rhiannon of Liebemarlene Vintage always, always seems to have a knack for keeping me inspired! That girl, I don't even know where to start...! Whether it's her perfectly pieced outfits, her ebay store (I swear, I always want everything she lists for sale!) or her blog (one of my favorites) ... this girl doesn't stop! She always seems to have something new up her sleeve and is definitely living the dream life - living in the charm of the South and filling her days with trips to the thrift store for beautiful vintage pieces to sell online. I really only wish that we lived closer to each other because I would love to run around the city with her!

I asked Rhiannon to do a swap a long, long while ago - and I'm soo happy we did! It was so much fun shopping for her and I couldn't be more happy with everything she sent! And you know, I really don't know how she did it, but everything she sent fits so well!!!!

I have this lovely little summer outfit I put together around the perfect blouse she sent... which, I think she must have read my mind, because I've been on the hunt for something just like this! It reminds me of something Libby would wear in Carnivale. (yes, cheesy HBO show - but with the most perfect costume/set design) Oh, and the little bracelet resting on the bag is so precious with little bananas hanging off the chain!

And then there's the lovely little embroidery, which really goes quite nicely with the others!

I put this skirt on immediately! It fits so, so perfectly, and I can't wait to wear it to work tomorrow. And let me just say, that these poor shoes were in a rough state before I received the package. You see, the bows on them fell off a while ago and I thought that the things were put into their box for good... however, Rhiannon enclosed these white bow shoe clips that fixed the situation perfectly!!!!

My boyfriend suggested I write one of those silly little name poems to say thanks.. you know the kind you do in grade school where you spell the name out and put an adjective next to each letter.... I will have to think of just the right adjectives and enclose it in the second box I'm sending since I forgot a few things, and found a few more!

In the mean time.... Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

new things!

The Southern NH thrift store was a BUST. Seven stores, and I bought ... hangers. I'm not joking. Luckily, we went to the Antique Gallery in Concord, NH where I made some very good purchases..

I first saw this lovely vintage 30's cashmere/fur cardigan tucked away in a corner.

As I was standing at the register to pay, I realized that the cardigan was hanging on the most perfect thing in the entire store..

I couldn't leave this behind, and eventually it will be a headboard... for now - I plan on using it for the flea market this weekend and for photographing clothing to sell. It's so perfect for the color scheme of my new room (yes, major changes to come!) and there are the loveliest details when you look close at the fabric and woodwork!

I've been a lazy rat about photographing things - but two weekends ago I realized that Boston has Goodwill bins, and boyyy, did I make out like a little bandit.

I found soo much! The shoes were my favorite part, however after searching for way tooo long for one missing shoe to what could have been a beautiful pair, I got frustrated and had to leave. I'd say that's the only downfall to the marvelous, marvelous bins... the fact that shoes get separated from each other so easily.. oh, and also the grime factor... but, it's worth it.

stacked heel perfection..size 8, just a bit too small - ebay at some point

Vintage suede Salvatore Ferragamo! I put them on my feet and it felt like clouds. I'm keeping them for now, they're just too comfortable!

Vintage Carel Paris ... these feel like they're insanely old! I'm not sure which era they're from, any ideas?

This lovely little suede number will be for sale at the flea market:

As well as this great weekender bag - no weird ickly inside odor, which is a rarity with thrift store bags!

......... A few hours at the Goodwill bins turned out more things then 7 thrift stores. Yikes.

oh, and also ... my shorts came!

Friday, April 25, 2008

11:00 PM

This is some sort of miracle, 11:00 PM and I'm still awake. I generally keep early hours, but I had coffee at dinner tonight and what do you know, no yawns!

I was looking at this book I have and I decided I should share some images. One of my best friends is getting little mice tattooed on his arm, and I found some great images for him of mice wearing waistcoats and floating through the air with umbrellas in hand. I think this is the only children's book I've bought at a thrift store and haven't ripped to shreds for some sort of art project... it's just too good! The entire book is filled to the brim with lovely animals and adorable children. I swear, all the kids are so well dressed!

Like this little guy, and I love the way he's pointing at the turtle!

hair motivation: (little blondie, bottom left)

... more hair motivation. And that dress!

Does anyone remember what cartoon these characters are from? I used to watch it when I was little and I even had this little funny video game too. The pig holding the balloons looks the most familiar!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This blog has been in hibernation for approximately nine months.
That's awful..

Reasons I ditched out of internet land:
1. My computer was busted and in a deep sleep for 5 months
2. My digital camera was simultaneously lost in between the space where my bed meets the wall
3. Now that both things are back in action, I've been trying to find some sort of balance in between internet time/real life time.. which I feel silly for saying, but the world wide web suuuucks me in!

But, since the weather is warmer and I'm slowly shaking myself from the anti-social/slug-like state that winter in New England causes, I feel like keeping a photo blog of findings and adventures would be a good thing.

Oh, and also - there's the store .....
Owning a little shop has been something I've always wanted to do, and I certainly have enough retail experience behind me. So, here you have Thirteen Eighty-Five. (which comes from a really special place where I spent most of my childhood days playing dress up in old clothes and rummaging through boxes of knick knacks from decades past)

This thing is going to start out slow. There's Mass Market on May 4 at Mass Art - a flea market for hand-mades, records, and vintage clothes. And etsy/ebay practice as well. I realize how over-saturated these websites are with vintage wears, but - a girl's gotta start somewhere.

So today I've been wiggling around my room - listening to a mix cd I made for Rhiannon (which will be in the mail monday!!) and cleaning and organizing and going through all the clothes to sell at the flea market ... and boy, I've got a lot.


A proper update regarding the flea market (and photos of dresses to be sold) to come!!

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